Brent Beshara Knives

Lifelong martial artist and inventor of the famous BESH Wedge, Brent Beshara designs tactical knives for hardcore people who go into harms way. Brent is a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces, serving 24 years as an an Anti-Tank detachment commander and was in Reconnaissance Platoon while overseas with the UN. He also served as a Navy Clearance Diver for 18 years, with responsibilities including sea/land mine clearance, and deep sea diving. He has been a bomb disposal operator for 14 years and an Explosive Forced Entry Instructor and operator for 5 years.

Since 2000, Brent has received knifemaking instruction from his mentor/friend, Master Bladesmith Wally Hayes. Brent has utilized knives throughout his military career, and has been highly trained in unarmed combat techniques using a variety of blades from bayonets to dive knives.

Besides Brent's hand crafted customs he also designs for and collaborates with top knife manufacturers. Brent's impressive list of collaboration clients includes Boker, Buck, Ka-Bar, Blackhawk Blades, Meyerco, SOG, TOPS Knives and more.

Brent brings a unique blend of extensive experience in blade performance and technology that can only be achieved through hands on exposure to a wide variety of knives and operations. The knowledge gained from his military training has proven to be invaluable in designing accomplished working tools.  Visit BESH Knives.

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Got my knife (brother's gift) today. Thank you for getting it to me so quickly. Expect further orders from me and my family. Good job! Well done!
--Ashley - Hollywood, SC

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